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Сообщения за декабрь, 2016

Idioms of the day: rise through the ranks and rank and file

Did you know that if you decide to embark on a military career and enlist as a soldier you will be doing a job that comes third on the list of the worst jobs compiled by American researchers in 2014*?  Yet, Prince Harry, the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, who did 10 years of full-time military service, including two stints on the front lines of Afghanistan, does not regret joining the armed forces. In 2015 he announced that he was resigning but added that he felt deep gratitude: ‘I consider myself incredibly lucky to have had the chance to do some very challenging jobs and have met many fantastic people in the process. ...The experiences I have had over the last 10 years will stay with me for the rest of my life." Prince Harry  By the way, what military rank does Harry have? He is Captain Harry Wales. It is higher than lieutenant [lefˈtenənt] but below major. The system of military ranks is one of the oldest hierarchies in the world and the word ‘rank’ is believed to derive

Grammar alert. Spelling of plurals.

When do you change -f into -ves in the plural form? What is the plural of belief and what is the plural of wife?  Read our post below to find it out. First do a short vocabulary test. Choose the right answer: Easy questions: 1. What is the English word for ‘a young cow’? a. a calf b. a lamb c. a kid d. a foal 2. What is the English word for someone who steals money or valuable things from you? a. a hijacker b. a blackmailer c. a bribee d. a thief 3. If you have a strong feeling that something exists or is true, it is your … a. fantasy b. whim c. belief d. intention Difficult questions: 4. After farmers have reaped wheat or rye, they bind the cut plants in bundles. One of these bundles is called... a. a sheaf b. a scythe c. a rake d. a haystack 5. What do you call in English a piece of cloth you use to blow your nose with? a. a sponge b. a handkerchief c. a napkin d. a duster 6. What is the English word for a small fairy-tale creature with pointed ears that has magica