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Сообщения за январь, 2017

Larger than life. George Washington.

Do the quiz. Only one of the following facts about George Washington is false. Which one? 1. You can see George Washington’s face on every US one-dollar bill. 2. Washington's Birthday is a United States federal holiday. 3. George Washington was a well–travelled man for his time having visited more than 15 countries including France, Egypt, Spain and Turkey. 4. George Washington was the only U.S. President who did not occupy the White House.   Read more about George Washington, who was the first and the second US President and is known as ‘The Father of His Country’.   Despite having got only an elementary school education, George Washington succeeded in making a truly brilliant career as a general, a president and a planter. At 21 he was sworn in as a major in the Virginia militia, an armed force whose main goal was to resist invasions and to enforce the laws of the colony. At 23 he was made colonel . When the American War of Independence broke out, the comma