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Сообщения за февраль, 2018

Josiah Wedgwood, The Vase Maker General to the Universe

When someone brings up the topic of entrepreneurship, the conversation veers towards Steve Jobs with his ambition to make technology user-friendly and accessible to anyone or to Harland Sanders, the founder of KFC, who made chicken a favourite choice for those eager to have a snack. Yet, few people remember the name of the creator of such beautiful things as you can see in the pictures below. The pictures show the products of the company Josiah Wedgwood and Sons, commonly known as Wedgwood.  Here are 5 amazing facts about its founder - Josiah Wedgwood. FACT 1  He transformed the way pottery was produced in Britain and was one of the first entrepreneurs to benefit from mass industrial production. FACT 2  He relied on science and once carried out 411 scientific experiments to discover a way to produce a perfect ceramic surface for his products. FACT 3  The bone china his company produced was so successfully competing with the original products from China