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Сообщения за май, 2018


  'He was rock 'n' roll before there was rock 'n' roll' - otherwise how else can you explain that even now in the remotest corner of the world should anyone hear  'Strangers in the night exchanging glances ....' they are bound to say: 'Oh, that's Sinatra....' because very few people can still compare to Frank. 'Frank is just like you. Just like me. Only BIGGER.' The power of his voice, unmistakable male charisma, energy, strength of conviction, lust for life - all these signature qualities of his make Frank Sinatra stand out and pass any test of time that is to come... Having taken no vocal or music lessons and possessing a voice range that was by no means exceptional, Sinatra managed to achieve unprecedented popularity which can be compared only to the tremendous success enjoyed by Elvis Presley, The Beatles and Michael Jackson.What helped him, the only son of Italian immigrants, become a cultural and music icon? First of