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Сообщения за август, 2018

Jane Austen: There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart

'Pride and Prejudice', 'Sense and Sensibility', 'Emma' - you must have heard about these novels and have probably read at least one of them. How much do you know about the author - Jane Austen? Below are some truly interesting facts about this 18th century English writer. Enjoy! Jane Austen's famous characters - Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet On the 16th of December in 1775 Jane Austen, the 19th century novelist, was born in the Hampshire village of Steventon . Though Jane Austen led the quiet life of an unmarried clergyman’s daughter and wrote only five complete novels, her name has not been consigned to the dustbin of history. On the contrary, today, in the age of the Internet and mobile phones, digital television and supersonic aircraft, Jane Austen is enjoying a huge and enthusiastic following and there have been numerous TV adaptations, films, books and events devoted to her in the past thirty years. Jane Austen's house in Steve